Monday, November 24, 2008

What a Waste of a Good PC

My current customer assigned me a PC today, and what a waste of a good PC it is. It has a high end 64 bit processor, but 7 year old 32 bit windows operating system installed. Say what you will about Windows Vista, but once you've put its features to good use, it is hard to go back to XP and be as productive. In this case, wouldn't it make the most sense for them to use older computers? I would really like to be a desktop engineer for a while (as long as I was well paid). So many organizations waste tons of time and effort at the desktop level when the technology is there to manage desktops effectively and efficiently. I think that there is a mentality in IT management to move quality engineers to their 'server' teams, and keeping their 'desktop' teams filled with the inexperienced or inept, which actually increases the cost of the desktop lifecycle.

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