Thursday, April 21, 2005

Todays EBay News

The following is a notice from eBay Trust & Safety regarding:

Item Number - 5765138302
Item Title - IC-706MKIIG

Our records show that you were a bidder or buyer of one or more of this seller's items. We recently removed all of this seller's listings and have suspended the seller's trading privileges. Due to privacy concerns we will not be able to share further details related to this seller.

If someone claiming to be the seller asks you to complete a transaction outside of eBay, we strongly recommend that you ignore the request. Transactions for items listed on eBay that are completed outside of the eBay marketplace are not covered by the Buyer Protection services offered by eBay and can be highly indicative of fraud.

If you have not sent payment to the seller, we urge you to not proceed with the transaction.

I think I’ll take EBay’s Advice

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