Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Air Plane, Helicopter, Boats, Fire Truck, Car, Bus, & Choo Choo Train

When I got home from work yesterday, Alex was timed out for disobeying and hitting Amy, and generally being bad. After his time out I went to his room to play with him a little. We played the game where I point to his wall decorations and say “What’s that?” and he says what it is. He can say all of them: Air Plane, Helicopter, Boat (there are two boats), Fire Truck, Car, Bus, & Choo Choo Train. In an attempt to keep us both busy I decided to play some Battlefield Vietnam with him on my lap. Of course, I would fly the air plane for him. I was flying against bots, when they are in helicopters they don’t seem to be to evasive, so, Alex got to see a lot of helicopters, and then see them get shot down. When I would get a hit, or get shot down myself, he would say, “Where did air plane go?” He enjoyed it for a while until dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Airplane is one word..not two. -Amy.